Rest Rules

Resting in Domos

Normally during an adventuring day, you end with a long rest, which is 8 hours of rest, of which 2 may be light activity. This balancing in 5e D&D considers about 4-8 encounters between each long rest. Normally this number is not reached within a session of D&D, especially in Domos sessions spanning multiple days, possibly even weeks in the game. So this page is meant to explain how we balance out certain (sub)classes that tend to profit unevenly from the overabundance of long rests.

Long Rests

Long rests may now only be taken in spaces deemed safe for it. These spaces are usually friendly towns and/or cities. Camps, small huts, caves, and other small shelters found in the wilderness are not deemed safe for long rests.

Functionally, nothing else changes with the long rest.

Short rest

There will be no functional changes to short rests. However, their importance will be greatly increased within this new resting dynamic.  Whenever you have a spare hour to recoup, it would be wise to do so, you may not know when the next time to this will be.

A Good Night's Rest

When you rest in the wilderness, the comforts of home will seem far to you. Yet sleep will find us all. If you manage to sleep an entire 8 hours uninterrupted by any strenuous activity, or at most 2 hours of light activity, you will be granted a good night's rest.

At the end of a good night's rest, you will regain half of your hit dice equal to your level, and lose a point of exhaustion. If you're wearing medium or heavy armour this will cause you to regain only a quarter of your hit dice, and you won't lose points of exhaustion during this period. You also gain the benefits of a short rest at the end of this period.

A character can't benefit from more than a good night's rest in a 24-hour period, and a character must have at least 1 hit point at the start of the rest to gain its benefits.

Every 24 hours a character doesn't benefit from a good night's rest, they will make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or gain a point of exhaustion. Each 24 hour period this DC increases by 5.

  • Casters with prepared spells can not change their spell list after a good night's rest.

  • Artificers can not change their infusions after a good night's rest.

  • Temporary hit points from spells that do not indicate a time limit do not disappear after a good night's rest.