Espium Isles


The Espium Isles are inhabited by a diverse array of races and cultures. The dominant indigenous people, known as the Virendians. They have a deep connection to the ocean, drawing inspiration from its vastness and mystique (Great old one). Other races, such as the enigmatic Sylvani elves, the intelligent Vedalken Conjunctions, and the charismatic Halcyon humans, have also settled on different islands, adding to the cultural tapestry of the archipelago.


The Virendians are the dominant indigenous Kalashtar of the Espium Isles. They are skilled seafarers and merchants, with a deep connection to the ocean. They have built sturdy, sea-worthy vessels that navigate the treacherous waters surrounding the archipelago.

Virendians are known for their vibrant festivals, where music, dance, and storytelling play a central role. They have a strong sense of community and cooperation, and their society is organized into clans, with each clan having its own customs and traditions.

Sylvani Elves

The Sylvani Elves are mostly born with olive skin tones and various tints of brown hair. They made their home in the dense forests of Mals'pir. They form strong bonds with the Leaflings, and are by rite of coming of age, spiritually connected with their so called "Rootbonded". Due to this bond, the appearance of the elf will start to resemble that of their Leafling.

Sylvani artisans are known for their mastery of herbalism and alchemy. Their relationship with the leaflings help them locate rare herbs and fungi to aid in their ritualistic or magical endavours.

Vedalken Conjunctions

The Vedalken groupings that call the Isles of Zeltris home, have constructed themselves high towers, deep cellars and winding magical pathways in their quest for enlightment through scientific discovery.

Their limited amphibious nature give them the ability to cross short distances between islands with ease to aquire resources for their ristic studies.

One doctor is held up in high regards in the Vedalken Conjunctions. By finding a rare species of totem-bird that was thought to be extinct. The bird's tailfeather, when burned and ground up, is a cure for heel blisters when applied to the injury.

Halcyon Humans

The Halcyon humans are a diverse group of settlers who have established themselves across various islands in the Espium Isles.

Halcyon humans are jack of all trades, but master of none. They do, however posses a talent for diplomacy and paperwork, navigating the complex web of alliances and rivalries between the different civilizations.

The Halcyon value knowledge and have brought forth many esteemed scholar, sage, and mage.

Other Races and Cultures

Alongside the dominant civilizations, the Espium Isles also harbor smaller communities of other races and cultures. These include enigmatic merfolk dwelling in coastal waters, nomadic tribes of shape-shifting creatures who roam the mystical swamps, and a secluded order of mystics who dwell on the floating islands. These diverse cultures contribute to the tapestry of the Espium Isles, adding layers of intrigue and unique perspectives.

Cultural exchange, trade, and occasional tensions between the different civilizations shape the social dynamics of the Espium Isles. It is a land where diverse traditions, languages, and beliefs intersect, creating a vibrant and diverse tapestry of cultures.

Religion and Mythology

The Espium Isles are a group of islands that hold deep cultural significance for the Virendian people, who inhabit the region. They have a rich history of mythology and religious beliefs centered around their reverence for Saline, the goddess of the Sea. The Virendians believe that Saline is the protector of their islands, ensuring their safety and abundance through divine intervention.

Legends abound, telling tales of legendary heroes who embarked on epic quests to safeguard the archipelago from dark forces and restore balance to the realms.

Rituals and Worship

To honor Saline and seek her blessings, the Virendians perform elaborate ceremonies and rituals. These rituals are conducted before important events like sea voyages, fishing expeditions, and trade missions. The Virendians believe that through these ceremonies, they can ensure safe returns from their journeys, bountiful catches from the sea, and prosperous trade ventures.

Legends and Saga's

Within the upbringing of mainly the Virendians and Halcyon, tales of heroes are told before bedtime. Sagas and songs are sung and told by the fire of many a tavern. Below some examples of stories beloved by the inhabitants of the Isles.

The Saga of Naelia the Fearless

Naelia is one of the most celebrated legendary heroes in Virendian history. According to the saga, she was a skilled warrior and seafarer who possessed an unyielding determination to protect the Isles from malevolent forces.

Naelia embarked on a perilous journey to confront a powerful sea serpent that threatened the safety of the archipelago. Through her bravery, strategic prowess, and connection with Saline, she managed to defeat the serpent and secure the islands' protection for generations to come.

The Legend of Kaelen and the Sea Serenade

Kaelen was a renowned musician and poet who possessed an extraordinary gift. He had the ability to communicate with sea creatures through his enchanting melodies.

The legend tells of how Kaelen used his talent to soothe an enraged sea dragon that had been causing havoc around the islands. His music, filled with devotion to Saline, not only calmed the dragon but also won its loyalty, turning it into a guardian of the Espium Isles.

Spiritualism and Animism versus Defiance

Alongside the worship of deities, The Sylvani embrace spiritualism and animism. They believe in the presence of spirits inhabiting natural elements such as trees, rivers, and mountains. These spirits are often thought to inhabit the bodies of their Leaflings. Vedalken however take a different approach and do acknowledge the existence of the gods, but the status quo openly defies them.

Community and Technology

While there is no industrial revolution or advanced machinery, the civilizations within the archipelago have developed certain technologies and innovations that reflect a level of progress. Here are some key aspects of the technological landscape in the Espium Isles:

Craftsmanship & Specialities

Skilled craftsmanship is highly valued in the Espium Isles. The Sylvani have mastered the art of potioneering and traditional healing, while Halcyon humans know their way around laws and paperwork. The arcane arts are everchanging, but not a mystery to the the Vedalken. The Virendians know their way with knots, blades and everything that has a sail and rigging.


In terms of transportation, the Espium Isles rely primarily on traditional methods. Horses and carriages are commonly used for land travel, although others may have their unique mounts or magical means of transportation. Verindian ships, ranging from sturdy sailing vessels to sleek galleons, dominate maritime travel between the islands.

Magical Enhancements

Magic is interwoven into the everyday lives of the inhabitants of the Espium Isles. While not everyone is capable of using magic, there are skilled practitioners who integrate magical elements into various aspects of technology. For example, enchanted lanterns illuminate the streets at night, providing a soft and magical glow. Runes and enchantments are inscribed on weapons and armor to imbue them with special properties, enhancing their effectiveness in combat at the sound of a word. These enhancements come at outragious prices due to the sourcing of some rare components that have to come from past the dangerous Skallar Reef.

Limited Mechanical Inventions

While mechanical inventions are not widespread in the Espium Isles, there are some exceptions like the humble windmill and waterwheel. However, these inventions are relatively limited and are usually localized rather than being prevalent throughout the archipelago.

Limited Knowledge of Gunpowder

The knowledge and use of gunpowder in the Espium Isles are limited. While there may be isolated instances of rudimentary firearms or explosives, they are not widespread or commonly employed in warfare. Instead, combat relies more on traditional weaponry and the use of magical abilities.