
Dokk, the de-facto capital of Kaldlân, is known for their strong people and legacy of successful koningr. Dokk actually started out as fort made for and by giants. This history is less visible today as several expansions were made to the fort and the town. The protection runes engraved into the ancient stones of the fortification are still active and haven’t lost their potency even after two millennia of non-giant maintenance. The runes ward off any creature or object that flies within 100 feet of the walls, scholars still debate if these runes were part of the giants preparation for what is now known as “The Day of the Molten Crown”.

Goliath Legend

While the base level of the fortification was only meant as a gateway for the servants of the giants to gather resources, it is currently the only part of the stronghold that is accessible. The lower levels of the stronghold are still filled with a strange necrotic mist. The problem of the mist isn’t its wounding power, since the people of Dokk are a hardy bunch, but the strange properties of the mist. The mist seemingly transforms every magical item and spell into the necrotic school. ‘Continual flames’ become will o’ wisps, healing potions become poisons and bags of holding become bags of devouring.

The current theory is that the stone giants discovered something they couldn’t survive nor contain, therefore they locked their servants outside to save them. These servants are now the inhabitants of Dokk. Ancestors of these servants are still looking into a way to cleanse the mist and save their once benevolent allies.

Workshop of War

The skillful way in which the goliaths craft stone into fine magical items was not something they had obtained through their ancestors, but they did gain their cunning. Using the leftover scriptures of stone runes, they drew new patterns into the snow to create the first snow golem as is now documented in their “Manual of snow golems”. The creation of a single golem takes enormous amounts of snow, which would be impossible to acquire in most places in Domus, but the winter of the north supplies enough to spare.

Wiersizzer Mién Wyn

The ogre witch Rintsje Wyn shows up in Dokk during nights when the moon dares not show her shimmers. Experienced guards will be fast asleep, stars darken and harbors freeze over. She comes bringing fortunes undesired, but destined nonetheless.

On her last visit, she called upon all the Koningr of the lands. She foretold that 'a man build of loyalty and honour to the land and sea' shall protect the town, only to return to a home empty of love and a mind lost in overzealous ambition. This demonlord of the depths, where the pantheon’s light is but a memory, shall rule the north as tight as kraken's jaw.