The World of Fey - Feywild


Aliases Plane of Faerie

Type Feywild
Inner Plane

Inhabitants Eladrin

The inhabitants of the Feywild vary in temperament from kind to malicious, but almost all have a mischievous side to them.


An "echo" of the Prime Material Plane filled with potent magic and unrestrained emotions.

The Feywild is a place of uncontrollable and awe-inspiring natural beauty. The plane is always bathed in twilight of the setting (or perhaps rising) sun, with lanterns and fireflies providing additional, haunting lights. Visitors to the plane will find that all sensations, both sensory and emotional, are heightened. Smells are stronger, colors are more vivid, and sounds are clearer, but at the same time shadows are darker and impulses are harder to control. Strong emotions even alter the landscape of the Feywild itself, wilting flowers trail the furious adventurers while carefree animals travel alongside chipper and cheerful individuals.

Key Information

  • As an "echo" of the Prime Material plane, its geography is similar, although not entirely identical, to that of Spidius.

  • Time does not flow the same in the Feywild as on the Material Plane. While a visitor would experience time flowing as normal, it is often the case that way more time is passing in Spidius.

  • The most common means of traversing in or out of the Feywild is through a fey crossroad, which often requires special knowledge of how to pass between the planes.

Myths and Lore

Weak barriers
It is believed that there are places where the barriers between the Feywild and Spidius are especially weak. In these spots part of the Feywild spill into Spidius and vice versa.

"It somehow fits all descriptions, but is also nothing like them at all"

-Taymone Neros

Credit to The Forgotten Realms Wiki and the sources mentioned in their article: Feywild.