Stochis - Elemental Planes


Aliases Elemental Trunk

Type Inner Plane

Inhabitants Elementals

Deity's home Troiverg


Each elemental plane is made up of primarily one type of matter, but pieces of other planes may have found their way in, or been brought in by powerful forces. One thing all elemental planes have in common is that they are all hostile to almost all lifeforms from outside, particularly those from the Prime Material Plane.

Key Information

  • The spell astral projection can be used to reach any elemental plane. Additionally, the gate and plane shift spells can be used to open a temporary portal to any of the planes.

Myths and Lore

Even though the planes are not known to be connected to each other, some say there are spots with weak borders between them. It's quite uncommon, but there have been places where this phenomena occurred, like magma seeping through in the Earth Plane, or steam and clouds forming in the Fire Plane.

Credit to The Forgotten Realms Wiki and the sources mentioned in their article: Great Wheel Cosmotology