Day of the Molten Crown

Other Countries During the Day of the Molten Crown

The Day of Molten Crowns was an event that sent shockwaves throughout the world, impacting various countries and regions, including the Espium Isles, Proto-Lysmane (Before a split region between Avanar and The High North), and Avanar. Each of these nations faced unique challenges and struggles during the cataclysmic event, and their stories paint a vivid picture of the global impact of the dragons' malevolence.

Espium Isles

The Espium Isles, a collection of picturesque islands known for their natural beauty and diverse cultures, bore witness to the devastation brought forth by the Day of the Molten Crown. The islands' inhabitants, a mix of seafarers, traders, and skilled artisans, were caught off guard by the sudden onslaught of fire and destruction.

As the dragons unleashed their fury, many of the Espium Isles were subjected to fiery tempests that ravaged their landscapes. Coastal settlements were reduced to ashes, and bustling ports turned to ghost towns. The once-thriving trade routes that connected the islands with distant lands were disrupted, plunging the region into economic turmoil.

Despite the chaos, the resilient people of the Espium Isles united in their determination to rebuild. Drawing upon their expertise in shipbuilding and craftsmanship, they constructed fortified havens and re-established trade connections, slowly restoring the islands' prosperity amidst the lingering scars of the cataclysm.


The lands nowadays known as the Lysmane provinces were known for its vast forests, mystical rituals, and wise sages. They faced a unique challenge during the Day of the Molten Crown. The ancient forests, home to magical creatures and powerful beings, were engulfed in flames that threatened to consume the very essence of the land.

The sages of Proto-Lysmane worked tirelessly to protect their sacred groves and harness their magical prowess to shield their homeland. Through their combined efforts, they managed to fend off some of the worst destruction, but the scars of the cataclysm were evident in the charred remains of once-verdant woodlands.

The people of Proto-Lysmane, inspired by the wisdom of their sages, embarked on a quest to restore the balance of nature and heal the wounded lands. With the guidance of their mystical traditions, they nurtured new life and rekindled the spirits of the ancient forests, reaffirming their bond with nature and reaffirming their resolve to protect the realm.


Avanar, a formidable nation known for its mercantile prowess and strategic brilliance, faced the Day of the Molten Crown with a resolute determination to defend its borders. The dragons' onslaught threatened the nation's strategic strongholds and strategic positions, posing a significant threat to its sovereignty.

The Avanari army, led by skilled generals and battle-hardened warriors, met the dragons' fury with an ironclad defense. The nation's fortresses and defensive structures stood firm against the onslaught, but the dragons took control and turned the whole country over the course of a century into a desert nation.

The cataclysmic event left an indelible mark on the nation's history in the form of a gigantic desert with raging hot climate and volcanic activity. The scars of battle remained as a testament to the resilience of its people and their unwavering commitment to safeguarding their homeland.

Global Impact and Aftermath

The Day of the Molten Crown casts a long shadow over the entire world, leaving behind a legacy of destruction and resilience. Nations far and wide mourned the loss of lives and the devastation wrought by the dragons. Yet, amidst the chaos, stories of unity and triumph emerged.

The cataclysmic event served as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of unity in the face of adversity. The world was forever changed by the dragons' malevolence, but it was also transformed by the strength and determination of those who stood against them.

In the aftermath of the Day of the Molten Crown, the nations of the world embarked on a path of rebuilding and healing. Through shared experiences, they forged new alliances and strengthened bonds, vowing to protect the realm from future threats.

Though the scars of the cataclysmic event remained, the resilience and unity displayed during the Day of the Molten Crown served as a beacon of hope and a testament to the indomitable spirit of the realms. The world had endured one of its darkest moments, but it emerged stronger, wiser, and ready to face the challenges of the future.