Day of the Molten Crown

"And soon all the riches in the world will be mine." -Ushrindi, Great Wyrm


The Day of the Molten Crown stands as a pivotal event in the annals of history, a cataclysmic occurrence that reverberates through the ages. In the ancient world, when dragons soared through the skies and kingdoms thrived, a conspiracy of dragons sought to amass unrivaled wealth and dominion by unleashing chaos and destruction upon the realms. Led by the cunning Ushrindi, the ruthless Azam Al-wahsh, and the wise Keep Glaurak, this cabal of dragons devised a sinister plot to set the world ablaze.


The Day of the Molten Crown became a cautionary tale of the dangers of unchecked power and the price of greed.

It served as a stark reminder that even the most malevolent forces could be countered by the courage and resilience of those who stood their ground.


Origins of Conspiracy

In the shadowy depths of their lairs, Ushrindi, Azam Al-wahsh, and Keep Glaurak conspired to execute a plan that would shake the very foundations of the realms. Fuelled by insatiable greed and a desire to wield uncontested power, they envisioned a world consumed by flames and molten destruction. The dragons sought to burn down civilizations, amass unimaginable treasures, and assert their dominion over the lands.

Seeds of Discord

The machinations of the dragons began with subtle manipulations, as they sowed seeds of discord and deception among the powerful factions and ruling dynasties. By exploiting rivalries and sowing mistrust, they fanned the flames of conflict, hoping to weaken the collective strength of the realms. As tensions escalated and alliances crumbled, the dragons positioned themselves for the devastating blow that would follow.

Dragonmeet: A Gathering of Deceit

The Day of the Molten Crown was set into motion through a dragonmeet, a gathering of dragons from different corners of the world. Under the guise of diplomatic exchanges and camaraderie, Ushrindi, Azam Al-wahsh, and Keep Glaurak converged with their fellow dragons, concealing their malevolent intentions behind amiable facades.

As the dragonmeet unfolded, the conspirators deftly spread misinformation and discord among the unsuspecting attendees. By exploiting grievances and fostering distrust, they turned friends into enemies and weakened the unity of the dragon community.


Unleashing Destruction

With tensions at their peak, the momentous hour arrived when the dragons executed their nefarious plan. In a synchronic surge of malevolent power, Ushrindi, Azam Al-wahsh, and Keep Glaurak unleashed their fiery wrath upon the dragonmeet and the world beyond.

The skies darkened with plumes of smoke as cities crumbled, forests burned, and rivers turned to boiling streams. The once-prosperous civilizations were reduced to smoldering ruins as the dragons reveled in the devastation they wrought.

Orgûll: A Once-Burned City

The ancient city of Orgûll, once a bustling hub of culture and prosperity, fell victim to the dragons' malevolence. As molten lava engulfed the city, its buildings and grand structures were reduced to ashes. The streets that were once bustling with life were now eerily silent, and the survivors struggled to comprehend the devastation that had befallen them.

A Dragon in Disguise

Amidst the chaos, one dragon stood apart from the malevolent horde. Keep Glaurak, a wise and ancient dragon, grew weary of his brethren's treachery. Instead of joining in the destruction, he devised a daring plan that would counter their evil plot.

Disguised as a dwarf, Glaurak ventured into the heart of Orgull, assuming the form of one of its standard digging dwarves. As he walked among them, he observed the hardships and struggles of these hardworking dwarves who had once been the victims of the dragons' treachery. Unbeknownst to the dwarves, their new friend was, in reality, a powerful dragon, using his influence to lead them away from the path of destruction.

Shield of Protection

As the Day of the Molten Crown raged on, Glaurak unleashed a powerful spell to shield Orgull from the worst of the destruction. The dwarves believed it was their resilience that saved them, unaware of their disguised dragon friend's intervention. The city, though severely damaged, survived the onslaught and became a bastion of hope amidst the ashes.