Mirage - God of the Sun

“By the Dragonsfather's Sun, I will get what I want!.”

-Bahroon, Dragon of central Tychis


Aliases Fozectar (Fo,zec,tar)
The orbiting Divine

Rank God

Alignment Neutral Evil

Domain Sun

Followers Wizards

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While other gods were still shrouded in uncertain paganism the solar deity Mirage was worshiped in the uniform way as we know today. To some dragonic humanoids Mirage is still the head deity, as they consider the sun a necessity for life, even though the underdark might disagree.

The holy symbol is a controversial topic within the belief, as humans are starting to worship him as a desert and nomadic god, to them the symbol of the camel is most important. But dragons and lesser dragonic descendants still hold the sun as the most important iconography of the religion. Over time the central symbol of Mirage shifted towards the chained sun.


Mirage is a god of dragons with the might and vanity this encompasses. Those lucky few that have met Mirage in person spoke about his magnitude. According to them he is actually a dragon the size of the world and made dragons in his own image.

While it might look like Mirage is only based in Avanar, as his domain is deserts, this is only the tip of the iceberg. His domain also includes the most northern arctic, where nature can’t grow beyond simple organisms, and the ecological dead zones inside the oceans.

Within the near deadlands that are Mirage’s domain, people live in an attempt to evade political strife and wars. These nomads pray to the large dragon (or sun) in the sky for good fortune during their travels.


Holy Symbols
A chained sun

Sacred Animals


Move along.

Don’t get stuck on anything for too long, if it looks like too much of a problem, it is.

Greed is eternal.

You can live your entire life like a minimalist, but if you find one thing that you need, collect it.


Dueling on glass

Dragons don't tend to experience a battle against an equal twice in a century. To mark the occasion a dragon will turn the area around them to glass in a circle eight times as wide as themselves.

Figurative burns

A jest, comment or insult against a person following Mirage can be considered punishable by death. For example, the Terror of the North has not been allowed within Avanar for decades because of his insults against the Red Mantle.