The Zenith - Goddess of Wilderness

Epithet: Geyser

The wilderness within the seas is more a vague concept as water doesn't allow you to see far. The other natural phenomena of earthquakes and auroras simply aren't felt under the waves. This leaves the Zenith with almost no power for the aquatic cultures, except for the strongest of all geology.. Volcanoes

Underwater volcanoes work a little bit differently, it still releases large amounts of heat as anyone would imagine, but these hydrothermal vents have a different function.
As in the city of Karraiga, were these vents are used to create underwater forges, allowing them to melt and mold bronze at their leisure. This new perspective has allowed the Zenith a domain under the water, even if it is a foundation of society, it is more prayers and clerics to her name.

The newly developed craft of wet-forging where a tool is molded and quenched at the same time has become really popular for items that need to resist large forces, like the Rod of Immovability. However, the Zenith has used her influence to change the look of most items made by her clerics. Attempting to give them a more natural and ergonomic theme instead of the ridged structure most objects have.

To her surprise allowing objects to move in some occasions gives them a higher strength, allowing them to disperse the force instead of taking it.