The Zenith - Goddess of Wilderness

“Hey Bill, maybe we done too much hunting today. I think I just got a very clear sign from the gods.”

-Tanner Rudy, being stung during an evening piss.


Aliases Reza Zoeri
The omni-index
She who lies below

Rank Goddess

Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Domain Wilderness

Followers Rangers

Epithets Geyser

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Each civilization has asked why their homes were destroyed after a cataclysmic event, and all those questions were pointed towards the Zenith, goddess of the wilderness. Her power over nature is unmatched and unquestionable, influencing the way that animals move, the seasons and harvests. Out of all the gods, she is the most stubborn and stands behind the actions she has taken to protect her domain. Her symbol, comprised of stars, can be found in the druidic language, as druids form a large part of her following.


Natural disasters happen on regular occasions throughout the world. Be it the eruption of volcanoes or the breaking of the lands through earthquakes, they all are instruments of the Zenith. It might seem a cruel fate from a nature goddess, but to her, it is essential in keeping the world alive. Islands fade in the water without volcanoes and mountains become deserts without earthquakes, most people know this to be true, but fear the event nonetheless.

Auroras are known to be a result of the Zenith’s powers, but currently there isn’t a solid theory about its purpose. Some believe it is the opening to the afterlife, while others say it is to revitalize humanity with magic.

The control she has over elemental powers comes from her native planes in Stochis. This nationality also brought a sizable following of genasi with it. These genasi even see her as the embodiment of the elements on the "normal" world, Spidius. With it, a more personal connection to their being.


Holy Symbols
A Compass surrounded by eight stars, with an additional star in the center.

Sacred Animals


The followers of the Zenith don’t have similar tenants, as their perception and worship of the Zenith is highly dependent on their environment. But they all have a deep respect for nature, seeing it fit to set the world straight.

To the followers, outer planar beings are a disease. They will try to close any portal to extra planar worlds, especially those of demonic or aberrational descent.


Druidic circles

The faith and power of the Zenith seems to be closely tied to the magic of druid circles. Most theologians don't see it as a strong correlation, as they can’t seem to understand which came first. Are the druids simply nature's clerics that gained a new way of worshiping after centuries, or is the Zenith simply the will of the world which druids can emulate for their own benefits.


Collect rocks you like. The world is for everybody, make your own little ecosystem.

Myths and Deeds

Sky Pillar

It is said that when her symbol is carved into a large tree, it becomes a so-called "Sky Pillar". After such a tree is cut down, the surrounding land will become pitch black during the following night. This can be a tactical benefit during wars, but will also cause every predator to try and kill the tree cutters, which tends to be too much of a detriment.