Genesis - Goddess of Vibrant Life

"To honour genesis is to honour the wilds, always changing, fighting for survival. We thank Genesis for our food, lest we forget that what she gives, she can take away”

-Ilmani of Razal, Priestess of Genesis


Aliases Vadrina (Va,dri,na)
The Everspring
Flora protector

Rank Goddess

Alignment Neutral Good

Domain Vibrant Life
Coral reefs

Followers Druids

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From the worked farms of civilisation to the wild unchecked jungles. Genesis is the goddess whose domain manages the bounty of the earth and the life that sustains itself from it. Her gifts are what keeps life possible on Spidius. The plants that feed the animals which in turn feed on each other. Most often worshipped by the druidic circles that make the wilds their home, they pay homage to her by ritual worship and keeping the cycle of life in check. 

Genesis often appears as a slender humanoid, her skin made of bark and her hair made of long vines. Her six glowing green eyes piercing into whatever she fixes her gaze on.


While her sister The Zenith was the embodiment of the wilderness, Genesis came to be during the creation of the druids and the balance of nature. Creating places within the world for creatures to drink and graze.

Places essential to life are protected by the will of Genesis. Jungles that rarely experience wildfires, waterholes were no animal fights another.

Life is meant to be felt and experienced as vibrant as possible. Humanity has been her favourite species to see make life possible in the most difficult environments.


Holy Symbols
Sprouting seeds
A Wreath of Bird of Paradise, Hydrangea and Honeysuckle

Sacred Animals


Natures Wisdom

Commune with nature and gather its wisdom, take your time to know the roots of the earth and see through the eyes of the skies.

Preserve the cycle

Undeath is a perversion of the cycle, whenever you meet undeath, return it to the cycle.

Where life goes, so should you

Followers of Genesis are enticed to travel the world and see what wonders she has provided to each corner of it. Druids therefore often go on a pilgrimage to see each type of wilds in the world. Be it on the bottom of an ocean or the lush and untamed jungles.


Spread Life

When a follower sees a placed devoid of life or a lack there off. They will throw seeds around of several plants and hope for the best. Life only needs a little push in the right direction.

Wreaths and bread

It might seem simple, but it works. Just making and breaking bread with your family and friends. If you fancy someone make them a flower wreath.