Wehiké controlled Settlements


The triton capital is centered between the western coastline of Graes and the blight island beyond. The capital is considered settlement within The Isles of Tychis, but borders tend to become blurry when it comes to water territories.

The castle is build inside of a large air bubble to cultivate simple crops by the off duty knights and veterans while the active tritons are far away fighting the good fight. In the middle of the castle are the palace grounds where Her Majesty Keliope holds her court.


Around divine defiance are several castles build to protect the crusaders and take a breather from their eternal battle against the monsters of the deep sea. These castles were constructed around large deposits of diamonds used to revive knights during their battles and now are more commonly used for their siege equipment. While the cunning and power of the triton increases by the day, the monsters keep becoming larger and crueler keeping the war ever evolving and in a stalemate.