The Wehiké Principality

“They told me krakens were the most dangerous monster, they weren’t completely wrong. But the bastard monsters seen in the depths are so inhumane that sanity doesn’t comprehend.“ -Flyan veteran


Type Underdark

Inhabitants Gargoyles

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Throughout the world are many deep trenches and fissures filled with the most vicious monsters. Boats that travel into the oceans without knowing where the fissures are will find a swift demise. Were it not for the tritons to keep the monsters at bay, humanity would be locked inside Domus like a prison.


The water holds many secrets and few are kind, there are places in the deep sea were only monsters live and warriors die. Below the midnight zone (12000ft) is a place where darkness consumes light, creatures are pale, hungry and slumber through existence.

Key Information

In the depths things start losing consistency. Creatures that tend to be small are twice their size and light doesn’t touch the ground. The essence of the gods loses their potency with only Saline having a subtle power within her own domain, magic stays raw under the pressure.

All this to understand the illogical nature of these creatures, these creatures are between our realm and the ethereal plane salvaging off anything that dares enter the depths. Their limbs move through solid objects and their bodies teleport only partially.

  • Perpetual darkness

  • Deep sea pressure

  • Reduced divine spellcasting

Myths and Lore

Bakunawa, the light consumer

Around the rim of the trench is the largest monster and yet the least harmful one. The bakunawa is a large incorporeal sea serpent which consumes light. When a creature is within the trench with any form of bright light, this beast will search for them, to consume their light. The monster truly doesn’t eat food, but does eat energy. The light holder will have their heat taken away along with the divine essence that lights their soul.

“Don’t believe you can outrun this monster, you need rest. It does not.”

Styno Roots

What used to be a simple trench with little to no monsters has escalated to one of the biggest threats in the sea. One of the bigger planar meteors of the starfall disruption struck just south of the arctic edge, now a large crystal reef stands fast in its wake. It has become a planar rift into the world of Styno, demons have been entering our world for several years and it hasn’t been able to be controlled by the reconstruction of many tribes.

The empire of T'pol Rimhe is currently having negotiations with Yu-shu to give them water breathing abilities to fix this large mess, but a sufficient trade offer hasn't been made.

Divine’s Defiance

The deepest trench is known for their ungodly powers, spells stop working when it enters this area. The magic that fuels spells cast by humanity and gods are too consuming for mana inside this water.

The water here is -80°F (-62.°C) making it cold for even those that are trained against freezing. During travels towards these depths, the triton crusades tend to dive above a hydrothermal vent to keep their internal temperatures up.

Inside the trench is the leviathan, but everytime the crusaders kill it, it returns after only an hour. To keep it from spawning more than it already is, a large settlement is build near the rim just to fuel the constant battle.