The Wehiké Principality

“The empire might not be eternal, things rise and fall like the waves. But it is our life’s duty to the pantheon themselves to build a world greater than we gained it.”

-Fathomer Genishi

The sea is a wondrous place with mysteries that humanoids have yet to explore, having difficulty with the most important part of survival, breathing. There are however a few humanoid races that have adapted to surviving this marine environment. With trade opened up to the land dwellers, this previously mythical land has been brought to the surface.



Imperial Monarchy
Political Leaders
Prince Anhi kothá
Princess Po-teka

Main Industries
Fish farming

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“A Conquest towards Harmony”

-Wehiké Motto


Most settlements in the principality aren’t build to sustain a large diverse populations, especially airbreathing humanoids, but a few are build to support even them.
The state has dictated that half of the citizens should be able to live in a waterless environment, it has yet to be enforced in any kind.


Karraiga is made after solidifying the rule of the principality with grandeur in mind. Half of the city is property of the state and thus property of the prince. A large proportion of the housing go towards the military of the state and the preparatoin of the largest crusade known to man. Princess Po-teka has set her sights on becoming immortalized in the history of the world by destroying Divine Defiance or at least the resurrection of the leviathan. The streets used to be made out of beautiful shells, but the constant patrolling of giant crabs has turned it into gravel.


Not all things were bad after The Starfall Disruption, several meteors crashed into the ocean, but one of them lead to a city on the plane of air. The city of “Henneskra“ was profoundly shocked after a spontaneous waterfall appeared in their home leading to our world. The air genasi were able to create a special conjuration spell to form an air bubble around their outpost, these spells don’t last long because the air runs out, but not here where it connects to the plane of air. Henneskra has chosen to side with the empire for the time being, but their militant power is giving some kingdoms a strong case of paranoia.

Wehiké controlled Settlements

While most settlements within the region were established before the rulers came to power, they all yielded to their militant power. They aren't enforced much beyond low taxes and a few additional rules. These villages are allowed to stay semi-autonomous and go about their business as if nothing changed except that all everyone within the region is protected. This can be problematic since the merrows had a long standing war with the tritons before the country formed.

Aegis Island Chain

The Aegis islands is a volcanic island chain south from the Domus continent. With rich soil and even more vibrant coral reefs to keep civilizations clustering around them.
The island chain has many small cluster island surrounding it, but the six main islands are listed here respectively from largest to smallest:

  • Aitauga Settlements of Hagai Púnk and Rewreka

  • Hiruva Settlement of Sclucii

  • Zanzar Settlement of Zanzar

  • Kiruna

  • Tekang

  • Mahentae Settlement of Xirnii


Throughout the entire empire one would see a large community of merfolk and genasi walking around like standard citizens and a few traveling kuo-toa. Merrow are mercenaries paid by the state to enforce the rules and fight in skirmishes, while tritons only stay around to live life before going back towards the trenches and their crusades.

All civilizations within Wehiké have a manner to keep non-waterbreathing humanoids to breath within their domain. The larger cities have neighborhoods that are within air domes to sustain them and the growth of vegetation. In smaller tribes, the Wehiké have appointed a person to learn magic to cast the "Water breathing" spell as a ritual.


As the policy of Principality indicates, this land or region is under the governing state of a prince, even more specifically a Co-principality, this being Prince “Anhi kothá” and Princess “Po-teka”.
Within the empire of “T'pol Rimhe” are many kingdoms conquered and assimilated by Imperatrix “Mantra Korna” during her many years unifying the sea under a single banner. She elects two children of the neighboring kingdoms to rule over any area after the death of their ruler.

Prince “Anhi kothá” is the merfolk that has taken a large portion of his life making instruments, living life and simply assisting those who need it. The triton princess “Po-teka” is the seventh child of general “Teo Kentu”, she didn’t imagine becoming a ruler of a country, but such is life when a kraken reduces her lineage to three siblings.

When the two met to become co-rulers their friendship was slow to appear, having two worldviews that would need a secondary person to consult having chosen “Rinewa” the elder sea-elf priest of Saline.