Creative Commons License

Domos is a collaborative project, which means that its contents are created by many different people over different time periods. To ensure that everyone is allowed to use and build upon the work created specifically for Domos it is placed under a creative commons license. We employ the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International creative commons license.

  • Attribution means that everyone can use and share the work, even non Domos members, if they give appropriate credit to the original work, link to the license and indicate if changes were made. They may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licencor endorses them or their use of the work.

  • Non-commercial means that the work may not be used for commercial purposes.

  • Share A Like means that when a person remixes, transforms or builds upon the material they must distribute it under the same license as the original.

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Creative Commons License in regards to Domos.

What does this mean for contributors?

When you build upon the lore of Domos and it’s posted in the Discord or in the Legendkeeper this work is now available to be used by everyone. The organization of Domos is allowed to use the work even after you leave the community or have stopped contributing. This does not mean that you lose the rights to use this work, as everyone will be allowed to use the work, including the creator.

What does this mean for players?

When you make and play a character in Domos their actions might be recorded to add to the lore and history of the project. We will do this according to the wishes of the creator of the character, for example, if a player does not wish for their character to be named at all we will just refer to them as an adventurer. Simply said: what happens in Domos stays in Domos. Other character details like the name of the character, backstory and role-play outside of the sessions might be incorporated into the project if the creator of said character is fine with this.

This is all a very simple and summarized explanation of everything the creative commons license includes, and is not a substitute for the actual license, the full scope of the license can be found here.