Leocor Kingdom (WIP)


The Leocor Kingdom is a beautiful and mystical place. Filled with wonder, peril and opportunity. Unified 289 years ago by Leocor the Great. This is a land filled with farmers, craftsmen, mages, knights and nobles. A place where knights unite to go on great quests, defeating mythical creatures and finding lost artifacts. Bandits steal from the rich and give to the poor. Where a Knight in shining armor breaks a curse of a lady by giving a kiss of love. Where a miller's son can become a prince of the land with the help of an awakened cat. Swamps filled with ogres and forests that move with the seasons. All with all a place of Adventure.

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"Standing proud and firm."

-Leocor Motto



Even though the country is united under the loving rule of the monarch. The land itself is filled with a diverse cast of nobility in charge of the land. Every barony and duchy is different in its own way which is both a strength and weakness for the country, because the Kingdom has any service or product you could think of. But this goes hand in hand with the nobles of different regions constantly playing each other and trying to get eachothers land and resources. A constant struggle that is unseen by the common man, but is an everyday job for every noble.

Feudalism Heirarchy

It is ruled over by its king who further subdivides it into duchy’s, earldom’s and baronnees. To handle the day to day business and local affaires.

the ranks of nobility are ranked as follows from highest to lowest.:

  • King

  • Archduke

  • Duke/Marquis

  • Earl/Count

  • Grand Magus/ Arcane Knight / Paladin / Champion

  • Viscount

  • Baron

  • Knight/Lord/Magus

Political Leader
The King of Leocor
Political Organisations
House of Lords

The House of Lords is the collective of all current ruling nobility of the country. They together advise the King

Swords & Sorcery

Standing around the top of Leocor's nobility are the two schools proficient in teaching people the ins and outs of magic or knighthood. While a school of such a place might seem like a place where only the nobility enter, which is sort of true, every village chooses one child to enter the school per year.


Within the land of Leocor the hope might seem difficult since every day at least one person will be taken by a monster or some curse. But to the people of Leocor, this is as normal to them as any other death. The people are a hopeful sort, willing to go into certain death just to gain a semblance of nobility or notoriety.

Most races are represented with a majority are humans with half-elves coming in close second. Monsterous races are barely, to not at all, represented, with a strong resentment for those that dare to stay within the controlled side of Leocor. The leonin, however, are seen as a noble race that will be placed in the knight school, as many myths do have them as characters.

The people here are commonly in low emotions and lost in emotions as they will remember dead relatives and disasters that happen near weekly. This has lead to a strong feeling of theology inside their culture.

Acts of Heroism

The most people of Leocor are simply farmers and artisans, they don't have many options to work towards a better future than simply a home and being well fed. Therefore it isn't rare to see a person going into the wild for someone to rescue or to find mythical boons. It is the fastest way of entering one of the schools or becoming a noble.

Thulsarm by Bridge

On the southern edge of the Leocor, around 12 miles away from the harbor town, lies a sizable town called Thulsarm by Bridge. This small village has chosen to forgo any form of road within the village and made waterways instead. The Grand magus Nincord has chosen this to make sure the farmer were able to carry larger loads of crops.

The large amount of knowledge in boats and carpentry has made it a perfect stop for sailors. Naval merchants settle here for the night, far away from the river's edge, while the inhabitants of the village work on their boats. The village has separated itself into a night and day working group, this has noticeably separated groups of people, but has increased the population by 40% with the increase in worker demand.


Being a standard village near the western mountains, it has one of the largest amount of goblin attacks throughout the year. These attacks are mostly against the people that wander around rather than the village itself. This is because the village is nomadic, travelling around with wagons and carriages.

The people know where to go the next day by their curious way of communicating, their Leocor dialect is a whistle. Talking to another in these whistle tunes disguises them as birds, and for community communication, they cut down paths through the cornfields. Allowing them to remember where to walk throughout the week.


The central lands of the Leocor island is controlled by the kingdom, with the roads and town mostly secured by the knights. Beyond the mountains of the west and east are villainous beasts and factions eager to destroy the loving country of Leocor.