The International Adventurer's Guild of Domus


In the year of 1322 a.s, several aristocratic Lysmånian came together for their love of archeology, anthropology, and all things that are found far away. After several months of meeting in private, the founding member, Oswald Xavier, opened up the Lysmåne Association Regarding prospecting to the public. Luring in students, small-time adventurers, and archeologists they started to research the topic that has plagued academics for centuries: Where are the vaults of the gods?

During these formative years, it took a long time before they had any tangible results until 9 years later they got an anonymous tip regarding a map that would point them towards The Western Frontier after about a decade of proper preparation they sent their first settlers, who got brutally killed by a green dragon who inhabited the region. They quickly sent in a second team, who got chased off by several lycan tribes. These experiences demoralized the association, and they nearly all left after almost a decade of nothing.

In the year 1350 however, new life was blown into the association when several adventurers successfully conquered the western frontier and made a permanent settlement called Domos. This renewed interest in the frontier was followed by several expeditions into the frontier, and mergers of several other small-time prospecting firms. After almost a year of hard work, they all banded together under the common banner.