Domos House Rules

This page contains an overview of the "homebrew" rules used within the Domos setting. These rules are being used to create a more serious world in which survival and strategic thinking is necessary.

This page contains how a long rest, a short rest and a rest in the wilderness works.

This page contains:

  • How far one can travel without detriments.

  • Which pace of travel brings which effects.

  • Gathering intelligence on a hex.

This page is a growing list of rulings made in or between sessions.

This page contains:

  • Various action options

  • Flanking rules

  • How to use skills with different abilities

This page contains:

  • What to do with loot

  • Item trading

  • Equipment refitting

This page contains:

  • How we deal with a character's death

  • What to do when you want to revise / respec your character

  • What to do when you want to retire your character to play another one

This page contains building rules, including:

  • How to set-up and a build a building

  • How to build roads

  • How to build an outpost

This page contains the rules around item crafting in a character's downtime.

This page contains the rules around setting up a guild and being part of a guild.

This page contains the rules around learning a skill proficiency in a character's downtime.

This page contains information around traveling and surviving a cold climate.