The Triad Dragon Emirates of Avanar

“If you’ve entered the capitol of the emirates without being swindled, robbed, or otherwise accosted by a local, your experience of Avanar was whoefully uninteresting“

- Inaros Esteban

The Triad Dragon Emirates of Avanar is an expansive collection of arid lands in The Domus Heartlands. It is well-known across the Domusian continent that the Emir of these lands are in fact venerable wyrms, old and mighty dragons.

The inhabitants of the land tend to live in either one of the large cities or in one of the many nomadic tribes that dwell upon the Sands of Avanar and thrive upon a mercantile lifestyle. This arid land, however, was not always a large desert. This only came to be after an event known to the Avanari as 'The Great Covering'.

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“Flames Ignite Fortune“
-Avanari Motto

The United Emirates


As of today, the Triad Dragon Emirates of Avanar thrives like never before. The north of the country holds some of the smartest people within the realm, the city of Bu-Birkata, where Tratainauthfelingeir holds his court, is home to The Crimson College, an elite college led by Archmagi who holds the secret to High Magic. Some of the finest wizards, sorcerers, and bards in all the realms have spent time at this college.


To the southwest lays the capital itself. Avanar, the city of purple, the ringed jewel, where Ushrindi holds his court. Its the home of the wealthy, the aristocrats, but also the center of different other interest groups of people, like the recently emerged criminal organization known as the 'Open Hand' who pose as mercenaries to the outside world, but clench their dark and greedy hands around the Avanari free market.


Home to the largest hoard of magical items and fine arts, the city of Shini to the south-east, built upon a lavish hill is also named the Shining City. Under the cultured and elegant eyes of Nasrim, who holds his court there, the city is the largest cultural exchange of goods and arts on the continent. However, with their eyes turned towards that which shines, it seems the overview of the city has grown lacking. These three cities, together with the minor cities scattered through the deserts and mountains create one of the most influential nations on the continent.


The current political situation is very tame, focusing on maintaining the status quo and making sure that the trade keeps flowing and the pockets keep getting lined with gold. Geographically the nation is vast and dry, and while it receives a lot of its heat through the sun, a significant portion comes from the heightened geothermal activity, sometimes causing the sand to be more than 80 degrees Celsius. The sand is often broken up with mountain ranges, many of which are volcanic and hold a crescent of fertile land on which cities are often settled. Most of the people live near the mountains, oases, river floodplains, or lakes, but some nomadic tribes keep their tradition of braving the sands.

These tribes mainly consist of humans, tabaxi, orc, loxodon, and goblins. They subside off of camels, horses, and other mounts, which they eat entirely and drink their blood when needed. The cities are mainly filled with humans, with minorities of pretty much every race found in the realm.

History of Avanar

Avanar before the great covering

Avanar had a mild/temperate climate for thousands of years. Wildlife flourished, and due to its large size was biologically highly diverse. The areas closer to the coast were filled with forests and river flood planes. Close to the mountains were great valleys, with grand rivers, strange long-lost fauna, and small villages. Then in between all of this was a massive steppe very sparsely populated by mainly nomadic tribes. These villages were generally towns of elves with a maximum size of approximately a few hundred people. They lived in harmony with the land and animals and lived a largely subsistence lifestyle.

Up until a few centuries after the convergence, when a massive influx of humans started to come in. Since elves have a significantly lower birth rate, they quickly became a minority in their native lands. These humans quickly learn to traverse the great plains and steppes using horses and other mounts, drinking their blood during the travels. These Nomads quickly became great merchant caravans covering the entire region.

After several hundred years of these great nomad empires, three great dragons came to the region after the three of them made a truce during the dragon wars. Ushrindi “Mantle's wrath”, the great red wyrm, who covets the City of Gold and holds quarter in their mountains. Tratainauthfelingeir the wise, an ancient brass dragon hailing from the north. And lastly Nasrim the gentle, a jovial jade dragon who originated from lands unknown, and holds the West of the country.

These three dragons claimed these lands after the war, using their combined powers to become unimaginably rich and powerful. Due to the long-term vision of these dragons, Avanar, while holding one of the continent’s strongest armies, barely had any wars and was generally the most stable nation in the region. Sadly this status quo would change when the dwarves became too greedy and sought to expand.

Avanar after the Great Covering

The dwarven assault was able to be left at bay for many years, for Avanar had a standing army greater than the population of some nations. But the high arcane warfare used by the dwarves eventually did prove to be too much. After years of fighting the dwarves decided to use the Hail Mary option of covering the entire region in a large layer of sand and exploding the earth beneath, leaving behind a large desert, heated from beneath.

This killed approximately 80% of the region’s population and destroyed pretty much all of the cities. But not long after this last resort, the assault from the dwarves stopped due to the magical weave not agreeing with the actions done in the name of war. The Dragon Triad however saw this tragedy as an opportunity. The entire region, now covered in sand, was totally untraversable for most people, except for the nomadic tribes from the steppes who had been used to the vast distances without water. On top of this, the volcanic activity caused deep seeded veins of precious metals and gemstones to spew forth onto the largely unchanging desert landscape, ripe for the taking.

Avanar, previously a militaristic powerhouse and ample provider of food would now be known as the merchant empire, the bridge between civilizations, and hold a monopoly on the trade lines between most of the nations. It took them several centuries to rebuild until they were at their previous strength. Still, after several generations of hard work, the dragons of untold age could look upon their lands with pride, knowing none of the other great nations could even touch their grandeur.