
The island kingdom of Jørgal is known for their naval supremacy. Located on the eastern shores of The High North, Jørgal is in a prime location to raid the other kingdoms of the north as well as the lands in the south.

City of Borg

Borg is the capitol of Jørgal and is currently ruled by the Endurable Snjár Clan. The Snjár clan rules over Jørgal under the watchful eye of Kønigr Havadr. Borg is located on the banks of calmwater Bay and is a large haven filled with boatmakers and fisherman.

Clans of Jørgal

In current day Jørgal is populated by five different clans, each of which has control of a different region of the island

The Endurable Snjár

Leader: Havadr

The ruling clan of Jørgal is known for it's durability. Members of the clan are known to survive hellish conditions and live longer then others of the same species. This longevity helped them survive long enough to gain ruling power over Borg.

The Gravestone Depths

The Gravestone Depths is an isolated piece of flat land ruled over by The Endurable Snjár. These depths are only accessible by boat. The place is completely surrounded by either high mountain cliffs that are too hard to climb, or ice cold sea water that is unbearable to swim through. Clanmembers who are coming of age are tasked to survive one year within this hellish space. But they are not alone, criminals who where banished by the king also end up in this place. Not many people receive this punishment, but if one does end up in The Gravestone Depths they will either die of old age or because they were unable to survive in the harsh environment.

The Barbarous Hrútr

Leader: Njord

All Northlanders within this clan are physically very well built and strong. The men and women are excellent woodcutters and carpenters. They make ships and deliver wood to the City of Borg.

Ancestors Stand

The Ancestors Stand is a mountain near The Hrútr Clan, where every new leader of said clan climbs the mountain with a full grown tree and plants it there. If the leader becomes corrupt or goes against the clan, he together with his tree gets burned down. Upon a leader's death he will be buried in front of his tree.

The Immense Hilf

Leader: Sigrid

The Hlíf Clan mostly consist of tall races like goliaths and firbolgs. They wield immense shields and make great warriors for shield-walls or blockages. Protecting people is what they do best.

The Blessed Fields

The Hlíf Clan does still eat a lot of seafood, but less than the other clans as they are situated near The Blessed Fields. These fields stand out in the barren tundra as it seems almost impossible that a forest like this could grow here. Legends tell that these fields got blessed by the gods for the clans to hunt on.

The Combative Blatqnn

Leader: Trygve

The Blatqnn clan deal with the trolls that are on the island and in the mountains, this clan has patrols that wander all over the island, but in their free time they like to have some good friendly duels between neighbors. They are very competitive, but can deal with their loss against a friendly opponent. Although that doesn’t hold them back to keep training to get their rematch.

The Tusk Pit

This fighting pit is surrounded by giant mammoth tusks. Every year the clan holds a tournament to find the clan champion of the year. They keep these tournaments in The Tusk Pit. Everyone is allowed to enter but there can only be one champion.

The Wakeful Aris

Leader: Currently contested

The Wakeful Aris Clan used to be led by a Half-Elf called Arvid. The clan is filled with wise people who follow the gods to find the right path in life. The ones named wisest have been chosen to lead the clan until a new leader has been appointed. The Wakeful Aris are a peaceful clan who enjoy nature, but don't drive them in a corner because they will lash out with the fury of a wild animal.

The Pond of Purity

It is said that this pond was made by Genesis for the leaders of the Aris Clan to meditate, pray and communicate at. The leaders have claimed to see a sphere of water rise from the pond that speaks to them whenever Genesis feels like answering.