The High North

The High North is the name given to the collection of lands in the north of Domus which share a similar ethnicity and lifestyle. The High North, or Northern Kingdoms as often referred to, are ever-feuding nations who do not directly value the advancement of technological or societal aspects as much as the rest of the Domus Continent.

Though seemingly barbaric and savage in method, the Northlanders seek to develop themselves as strong individuals in the eyes of their clans and tribes. The Northlander lifestyle envelops living the life to its fullest as a humanoid. With quick and rash conflicts, feasting and partying, copulating and mating, but most of all, personal freedom.

To the Northlanders, respect is the most important value and they go through great lengths to attain it from their peers. Though Northlanders prize their independence and individuality highly, they recognize that ones axe is not enough to take on the world and thus they might need the backing of their family and clan. This recognition of care makes the independent Northlanders uncharacteristically altruistic with regards to their kin and those they respect greatly.

The High North Map includes a more detailed view of:

The King of Kings

Within the High North there are many Northlanders who fight for the positions of Kønigr within their lands, but one title tops them all in regards to the respect it demands. In dire times, the Northlanders followed the King of Kings, or Lærer Kønigr in their tongue. Many Kønigr wage wars for the coveted title, tainting the ever-burning conflict within the High North in their quest for renown. Becoming the Lærer Kønigr however is not a simple feat, as one needs to take the ancient throne and defend it against the other contestants. When one becomes the King of Kings, it means that for that generation, none of the other Kønigr can take that title. This causes the Kønigr to aggressively fight against those that take the City of Kings (WIP) and seat themselves upon the throne.

No Centralized Government.

In essence, the High North is a chaotic land with no true ruler. The small kingdoms led by the Kønigr function independently and only work together in the times of ultimate strife. When this happens, it is often the elders that are called upon for their wisdom. The elders usually refer to an old tradition known as the 'Sammeljen', in which all the Kønigr come together and together with the elders to commence a voting on their course of action.

Demonic Invasions

Since long ago, a fiendish invasion enveloped the high north every 140 years with a 22 year margin. A week before the portal to the demonic realms rips open is signified by the northern lights being corrupted in a purple hue.
Although the portal is placed at random, there are certain places that are more likely to open such a portal. Hotspots include Stavren, Midtberch mountaintop and south of Ylpen in the deepest trench.

The Violet Vortex

The purple hue is an infamous color hated by the northlanders reminding them about the death the grape colored lights give, wounds in these battles would never properly heal. The goliaths still wear striped tattoos on the wounds of their ancestors.
Avanar is well known to use this color prominently throughout their city which stands for their wealth and nobility, but not so for Northlanders. The avanari wearing purple are considered demon worshipers and will be killed on sight or the clothing will be ripped upon sight, which tends to kill a man in the north just as much.

Vur’treshk the Amassing Blaze

The demonlordess of war’s passion has invaded the north 23 times draining the resources of the north with each passing. She desires to bring the north into her demonic layer from her fascination with the brutal nature and cold. Her layer is called the Blasphemous Chimney, a large vertical layer with large ashen deserts and regular fire whirls. During the first invasion, she attempted to convince the northlanders to surrender by her sheer beauty, they took that as a personal offense and initiated the war with the span of meeting her only a minute earlier.

Silver Valued

Within the mines in the north, silver is a rather rare metal to find or is only found in small deposits. Any ore found in the mines will be used for electrum coins or weaponry, preparing for the inevitable return of the fiends. Wearing silver is a sign of power in the north and with it comes the superstitions about silver. One such superstition is that the best warriors are those that can break a silver mirror in a single attack, if able the remains will be forged into a divine blade that will be used until the warrior dies.