
A Haven for Hunters

Located on the southern coast of Tufis-Moroi lies the small village of Pí-scis, it’s a rather small village only accounting for some 30 households. The village lies in a flatland of plains and is surrounded by multiple rivers that come down from the mountains near Rubin. The land the village is built upon was rather soggy, seemingly drenched by something that is not quite water. Many people wondered what it was, until the adventurers guild issued a statement about an abyssal tree below an old mansion that was seemingly soaking the land in its blood through its roots. Although the land that Pí-scis is built upon is not usually suited for construction, many structures that are found here have stood the test of time quite well. The local church is a testament to that, as the heavy stone building is said to have stood for about 400 years. Through the years many other buildings have been erected in the village, also seemingly defying the rather unstable ground.

Places of Interest

Even though Pí-scis is only a very small village, a decent amount of shops, facilities and industries call it their home, most of the ones that situate themselves inside the village or near its all important docks are talked about here.

  • The Council Hall which serves as the administrative seat for Mayor Markus .

  • The Hunter's Guild, where trophies are displayed and tall tales are told.

  • The Tanning Works can be found all along the river, keeping the stinky business away.

  • The House of the Rising Sun which is overlooked and manned by Father Luthrain.

  • The Rusted Shackle Inn, ran by Alder Erdrizo is the place to eat, drink and rest your head.

  • The Guard Station, where trouble can be easily reported.


Considered to be a 'Peasant Republic', the villagers in Pí-scis enjoys a high degree of autonomy and often come together to make decisions by popular vote. However, for administrative reasons and record keeping, a so called 'Burgomaster' has been appointed for office within the Council Hall. This burgomaster mostly keeps themselves busy with economic and diplomatic affairs as the 'face' of the village. However, despite the position of his office, the current burgomaster, Markus Hellman does not hold any power with regards to authority, as this remains the space of popular vote for the villagers.

Industry & Trade

The village of Pí-scis is home to a host of different trades to make up for the lack of decent farming land. Most notable of these are the borax delvers to the east of Pí-scis, the soda-ash bakers at the coast and the hunters and tanners along the river. Most of these workers trade with merchants hailing from Rubin, but other routes are chosen in favor of deals that provide for more supplies like vegetables, grains and fruits.