
In the Arms of the Mountain

At the base of the majestic mountain range ending in the well known three point-peak, lies a quaint and busy mountain town. The sounds of hammers on anvils and pickaxes on rock sound from below when standing on one of the many small overlooks that either have been carved out or formed by nature. Carts full of rock, ore, gems and other useful metals are transported outside the gates of the darkly coloured inner wooden palisade every day, immediately shipped to the town's many artisans for further processing into many goods of trade. The town is divided into 3 sections. The lower district, which comprises a small market square with a couple of stands. In a ring encircling this place of trade and commerce, are a couple of shacks, huts and hovels made out of cobblestone foundation below the wooden walls that provide shelter in these residential areas. Most of the artisans and farmers live here. A bit further up on the first ledges/terraces of the mountain, are the mining camps and refineries to process the freshly dug up ores and gemstones. And then there is the actual mine.

Places of Interest

  • The Red Ruby Inn Ran by Dairan Daldarin.

  • The Redvein Mines mostly worked by dwarven folk.

  • The Lasar Square all business runs through Ragdar Goldshaper.

  • The Hearthly Home a small chapel. Doubles as the Town Hall.

  • The Overlook, one of the bigger ledges on the nearby mountainside, overlooks the town.

  • The Pineneedle Mill is a small water and lumber mill.

Three-Point-Peak; The Lair of the Dragon

Within the tallest mountain of Tufis-Moroi, just a few days travel from Rubin, lies the lair of the dragon. Once it was occupied by the blighted dragon, corrupted by the blighted creatures around it. Now it's been repurposed as a lair for Geddon of the Molten Coin. Although this dragon is not to be messed with, their top concern is to only have silver coins. They reinforce this policy in their gemstore, paying in different coins will give you an angry glare on a good day.

During the years of Geddon becoming a juvenile dragon, attempts have been made to terraform the desert north of their lair. Geddon hasn't allowed it to happen within the region, keeping a strong desert within a 10 mile radius, not allowing the "beautiful" desert to become a forest. Zabranjena has been having difficulties with this dragonic presence.

"You filzhy Ukpeak, all zhese Tufis people are my minions, so stay out!"

-Geddon of The Molten Coin

Industry & Trade

Rubin is a town mostly focused around mining rubies and other ores. To improve quality and fix flaws in the mined rubies, they use a borax based flux, imported from Pisces. There they have small pools used for vaporizing water by natural heat. Impure borax is the leftover residue, usable as detergent, rising agent or preservative for fish, meats and taxidermy. Also it is used in the process of making leather from hides. They also use this as a flux to incorporate it in the smithing, soldering and repairing of jewelry, which is done to raise the worth of their export, the rubies. Currently, The mines of Rubin have been exploited to the fullest extent. With big quantities of rubies coming out every day, it is very prosperous and making enough money to expand.

Going deep into the underbelly of the earth, the miners of this town are mostly made up out of dwarves, gnomes and humans. They work together to make the most out of this resource, making them able to sell the gemstones at high prices to fund resources for living like food and other basic needs. The areas around Rubin are covered in thick layers of sleet, ice and snow in the winters, but just before the cold winter winds are blowing, the autumn colors the valley in a beautiful amber colored blanket. Trees will start shedding their leaves slowly one by one, and the wildlife starts to make the last preparations for winter, making it an opportune moment for hunters to gather what they can before winter falls. From small game to the big trophy hunts, this town is ever busy. In the winter it is mostly using up the reserves they have gathered during the other 3 seasons. Then, if the harvest was bountiful enough, a small gathering around the winter’s solstice will be planned.