
A Fearless Future

Cradled within the southern hillocks of Tufis-Moroi, near what is considered to be the border territory of Tochailt, lie the remnants of what once was the village of Dumenta. The old town, once ravaged by blights and occupied by the Hungering Maw Treant, was liberated from the blight by the aptly named "Liberators of Dumenta". Adventurers were then tasked with accompanying the refugees back to their old home, to protect them from further danger. From there the task of rebuilding the town commenced.

Nowadays the town still attracts refugees, people searching for a better future. A harbor was build close to the town, which made the town grow rapidly as trade became one of its prime ventures. It's leaders are known for their compassion and their desire to rebuild the community as strong as it once was.

Places of Interest

  • The statue of "The Liberators of Dumenta"

  • The Warm Heart Orphanage

  • Koja & Bounce - Private Investigators Corporate Headquarters

  • Drixie's flower and herbal garden

  • The Toldo T&T warehouse

  • The Harbor

Drixie's flower and herbal garden

A peculiar Eladrin can be spotted within and around Dumenta, most frequently in her garden. This ex-adventurer left her adventuring days behind to create the biggest herbal garden on the isles. A myriad of plants can be found within its enclosures, specifically grown to help others or to put a smile on their face.

"Big flower grow here place! Help people

Have pretty plant and much nice animal life here place!


The Statue of the Liberators and The Phoenix of Dumenta

A large statue at an intersection displays four fallen adventurers, Baeggusib-yug, Vah'k'rel, Tarma Tarmandottir, and Chu'ley. Known to most as the Liberators of Dumenta, these adventurers opened Dumenta back up and allowed the refugees to return to their lost village. The village will gladly tell you about the people depicted, about their heroics and what it meant to the village, but they would probably mention the fifth liberator at some point. Ansgar Corruson, better known as The Phoenix of Dumenta, named after his feat of escaping death more then a few times. Ansgar helped rebuild the town every step of the way, and eventually settled down in it as well. His presence gave the village some sense of security, and he eventually became one of the leaders of the town.

“We’re doing it guys… We’re doing it… One day I’ll join you all, so we can watch down and smile together, besides Chu’ley and Vah’k’rel then… they never smile.”
-The Phoenix of Dumenta