
The Mine in the Mountain

Located at the heart of the mountains carved from stone lies Mwyn. A purpose-built city with a classic dwarven design. Large central chambers show off their craftsmanship and faith to their gods. The housing seems to be rather empty, as if it has been built for generations to come. The most impressive of their work however is the Hall of Gods devoted to the patron deities of the city, Tvergsten, Breinsten, and Skâldsten. But the life-blood of the city lies below in the mines of Mwyn where they make their living. Although most of Mwyn lies within the mountain, the innards of this mountain are off-limits to outsiders. The rudimentary village right outside of the restricted area houses a teleportation circle and the Clenched Fist Inn. This village serves as a contact point for the outside and a place to live for many hunters and traders.

Points of interest Outside the mountain

Due to their reclusive and protective stance, the dwarves of Mwyn do not normally let outsiders inside of the mountain. That is why most of their trading and amenities for travelers can be found outside. The most notable of these are the following:

  • The Clenched Fist; proud establishment of Master Brewer Leannøl Skâldòran

  • The Hunter Guild; a place to sell monster parts and learn about bounties

  • Monument of the Fallen; detailing the adventurers who lost their lives in the crypts

The tunnels below

Even though the town of Mwyn seems fine on the surface, below in its mines, crypts, and tunnels a storm was brewing. Its crypts were overrun by monsters, and below them, a war between two factions of drow was growing imminent. Adventurers were able to clean up the mess in the crypts, but many lost their lives in the fight against an aspect of Gae'rye, the evil Flumph. Felling the monster solved one issue, but only fanned the flames between the dwarfs and the drow. Alliances were forged between them, and a comprise was struck that ensured safe entry to the dwarven forge for just one of the clans. Still, the tension between the two drow factions is at an all-time high. Interestingly, a tabaxi can be found among the matriarchal faction, as she has left her adventuring days behind her after crossing the underdark sea. On the other side, another peculiar person seems to have joined the drow, a loxodon called Headstrong Jim, he seems to be performing the duties of taxi... and also as a punching bag.


-Headstrong Jim