The Isles of Tychis

The Isles of Tychis used to consist of four regions: Tufis-Moroi, Zabranjena, Tochailt and Forrapasto. It does not have a central government, the small settlements in the regions cooperate but do not share leadership.

The isles were plaqued with many problems, and thus the civilians reached out to the adventurers guild for help. Over the course of a few years the adventurers gained footing in the region and tried to bring back some form of balance and normalcy.

Some of their accomplishments have even be recorded in editions of the Orgullian Nomad.

Fun fact: The Isles of Tychis were the setting for cycle 3!


Tufis-Moroi is a region cradled between Tochailt and Zabranjena. Within it lie a few peaceful villages, but it didn't use to be like this. Tufis-Moroi used to be infested with blight creatures, infectious plant creatures that slowly took over its original host's form. The creatures seemed to have abyssal influences, as a portal to the plane was found under an old mansion, together with a massive tree spreading it's blood filled roots over almost the entire region. Adventurers sought out ways to rid the region of these monsters, eventually striking up a weird pact between themselves, undead guardians and the triton's living in Thalassos. Over their stay in Tufis-Moroi adventurers destroyed a lot of big and small blights alike, including a blighted dragon and the Hungering Maw Treant. With these monsters out of the way and together with the pact, some form of peace returned to the region. The instructions for a cure were found and the blight creatures were driven back into extinction.

Notable places:


Tochailt is a peaceful region laying in the south of the Isles of Tychis. Aside from some monster attacks here and there it doesn't seem like much could stir the peace in Tochailt. But, below it's peaceful surface trouble was afoot. Literally, as the mines of Mwyn seemed to inhibit many dangers. So, adventurers set out to explore these mines, finding much trouble on their way down.

Notable places:


Forrapasto was a region connected to the east of Zabranjena and Tufis-Moroi. It was plaqued by fey influences. Eventually the entire region was reclaimed by the feywild.


Zabranjena lies to the north of Tufis-Moroi. Its previous desert landscape was home to two clans of orcs. Adventurers were tasked with protecting the clan of peaceful orcs from their more aggressive rebel clan. Sadly, the rebel clan was the least of their problem, as the land of Zabranjena was infertile and food was hard to come by. Adventurers sought for ways to rejuvenate the land, eventually figuring out that something called "The Seed of Life" could bring back the life of the region. The previous inhabitants of Zabranjena, the elves, hid it in their tomb, waiting for the orcs to starve so they could reclaim their land. With the help of adventurers "The Seed of Life" was taken from the tomb and green pastures were brought back to the region. The peaceful orc clan prospered and the rebel clan was allowed to rejoin them, under certain circumstances.

Notable places: