How to Play

Domos is a ‘massive’ multiplayer campaign. This means that you will be participating in a larger, shared, on-going story with all different kinds of players and characters. The core of the gameplay is going on missions, with supplemental text RP during your character’s downtime.

In Domos characters go out on missions which are based on rumors. These rumors are gathered during missions, from NPC’s or made up by the players themselves. Each session has a different party and a different DM. You can find out more about how missions work in How to adventure.

A quick guide to adventuring in Domos.

  • There are no set game days; sessions are discussed and planned in #open-quest-board.

  • There are no set party compositions, there is a slim chance you'll be playing with the exact same group twice.

  • There are no plothooks that lead to railroads, there are solely story points that may contain failstates.

  • The players explore the world on their own accord. Teamwork is necessary.

  • Communication is key, the DMs and players are telling a grand story together.

You are not allowed to play more than two games a week. This to make sure there is room for everyone to play. This is excluding event-based sessions.

Domos also includes a 24/7 text RP, where characters can chat and hang out in their downtime. This is not the main focus of Domos and a player can decide for themselves if they would like to participate or not. You can find out more about roleplay in Domos and it's rules in the the roleplay page.

Domos makes use of various extra rules to create a more serious world in which survival and strategic thinking is necessary. The most impacting rule changes are the Rest Rules. All of the rules can be found in Domos House Rules.

There are also things characters can do in their spare time between missions. This includes creating building projects, crafting items and learning new skills. Characters are also able to join guilds.