World Encyclopedia

Welcome to the lore of Domos. Domos has it’s own setting with its own continents, organizations, planes and gods.

The Old World includes The Domus Continent and it’s various countries, The Isles of Earigon and The Isles of Tychis. Players can use these regions in the backstory of their character. However, this is not required. The lore in this encyclopedia is meant as a guideline and might not be to everyone’s tastes. Players are free to make up their own lore within the world of Domos for their character, be it countries, gods or events. Not every country, city or village in existence is described and most of them will not even be on the available maps at all.

Players are encouraged to add to the world of Domos. Don’t be afraid to build upon the lore and share your creative ideas. Everyone can write their own story within the world. It is even possible for players to add their own lore for Domos to the Legendkeeper. This can be done through discussions with the Loreweavers in the Discord server.

Do note that Domos utilizes a Creative Commons License.

Forgotten Realms Lore

The Forgotten Realms do not exist in the world of Domos.