Mountains of Norr

The Passage Mountains

Stands in the middle of the Province of Norr

The mountains of Norr are a majestic sight, towering over the surrounding lands with their snow-capped peaks and rocky slopes. They are home to many creatures, both benign and hostile, such as giant eagles, stone giants, wyverns and chimeras. The people of Norr respect and revere the mountains, for they provide them with precious metals, gems and fresh water. The mountains are also a source of spiritual and cultural significance, as they are the site of a sacred rite of passage for the young.

When a child reaches the age of maturity, they must undertake a perilous journey to the summit of one of the mountains, accompanied by a mentor or a guide. There, they must face a challenge that tests their courage, wisdom and skill. The challenge varies depending on the mountain and the child’s chosen path, but it always involves some form of danger or hardship. Some examples are:

  • Climbing a sheer cliff face without any equipment

  • Crossing a narrow bridge over a deep chasm

  • Fighting or befriending a fearsome beast

  • Solving a riddle or a puzzle carved into the stone

  • Surviving a blizzard or an avalanche

  • Finding a hidden treasure or a secret passage

If the child succeeds in their challenge, they are rewarded with a token of their achievement, such as a feather, a gem, a horn or a carving. They also earn the respect and admiration of their people, and are considered adults in their society. If they fail or give up, they must return to their village and try again another year. Some never make it to the top, while others die trying.

The rite of passage is not mandatory, but it is highly encouraged and expected by most. Those who do not attempt it are often seen as cowardly or weak by their peers and elders. Those who do attempt it are honored and celebrated by their community. The rite of passage is a way for the people of Norr to prove themselves worthy of living among the mountains, and to forge a bond with the land that sustains them.