Maho'Yume City

The City of Spirits and Dreams

Near Seishin Mountains in Yumemori

The religious center for both the Spirit Dragon and Somniellam.

Maho'Yume City, the City of Spirit and Dreams, is a holy and isolated city in the Province of Yama. It is situated in a small forest near the Seishin Mountains, the Mountains of the Spirits, where the presence of the gods is felt strongly. The city is devoted to two gods: the Spirit Dragon, the god of metallic dragons and magic, and Somniellam, the goddess of dreams and stars.

The city is a place of awe and reverence, where magic and dreams are respected. The city is centered around a large temple that contains the relics of the two gods, as well as a shrine where people can pray to them. The temple is watched over by clerics and paladins who serve the gods and defend the city from harm. The city also has a school of magic, where young mages learn to use their arcane gifts and honor the Spirit Dragon, and the city has an observatory, where astronomers and diviners study the stars and seek wisdom from Somniellam.

The city is a peaceful and harmonious community, where people care and help each other. The city is also home to many metallic dragonborns, who live in peace with the humans and often visit the temple to show their gratitude to their patron god. The city is also visited by many dreamers, who come to the city to have vivid dreams and explore their inner selves. Maho'Yume City is a city that celebrates its bond to the divine and the infinite.