
The City of Swords

Sensaku is a city of contrasts, where beauty and violence coexist in a delicate balance. From afar, it looks like a serene oasis of culture and art, with elegant buildings, lush gardens, and colorful festivals. But closer inspection reveals a darker side of the city, where bloodshed and betrayal are part of everyday life.

Sensaku is the epicenter of the civil war that has plagued the Moya'Yama Clans for centuries. The city is divided into districts, each controlled by a different clan that opposes the emperor's rule. The clans compete for power and resources, often resorting to duels, assassinations, and open warfare. The streets are filled with spies, saboteurs, and mercenaries, ready to strike at any moment.

The common folk of Sensaku have learned to adapt to this chaotic environment. They avoid the conflict as much as possible, focusing on their trades and crafts. They respect the warriors who fight for their clans, but also fear them and their unpredictable actions. They know that any day could be their last if a warrior chose to break the vows of peace towards normal civilians.