Jǫkull Él

The Sleeping Wind

Jǫkull Él is a pair of towering and majestic mountains that dominate the landscape of the Tundra Plains. Jǫkull Él means “Glacier Storm” in the old tongue, and it is a fitting name for these mountains that are constantly covered by snow and ice, and battered by wind and lightning.

Jǫkull Él is also known as the “Twin Peaks of Destiny”, as they are the sites of two important and contrasting landmarks: the Ruins of Thyria and the Castle of For-Eldra. The Ruins of Thyria lie at the base of the southern peak, a reminder of what was lost from the Divine Crisis. The Castle of For-Eldra stands on the summit of the northern peak, a symbol of the present power and mystery of the white Greatwyrm Hiems'aeterna. Jǫkull Él is a place of awe and wonder, where nature’s beauty and fury are displayed. Jǫkull Él is also a place of history and legend, where secrets and stories are hidden.

Jǫkull Él is a place of challenge and adventure, where dangers and treasures are waiting,