Tundra Plains of Dreyri

The Frozen Wastes

Surrounding the mountain that the Castle of For-Eldra sits are the open plains which has powerful creatures roaming about due to the presence of Hiems'aeterna, the First Winter.

Travel through it is necessary to reach the Province of Yama from the Province of Norr.

The Tundra Plains of Dreyri are a vast and desolate expanse of snow and ice that stretch beyond the bastion of Frostguard. The Tundra Plains are home to the White Greatwyrm Hiems’aeterna, the First Winter, a legendary dragon that is said to have brought the eternal cold to the world. The Tundra Plains are also infested with various monstrosities that prey on anything that moves, such as frost giants, ice wraiths, and snow leopards. The Tundra Plains are a place of danger and death, where only the bravest or the most foolish dare to venture.

Surviving in the Tundra Plains is a difficult and risky task. One would need to have adequate clothing, equipment, and supplies to endure the freezing temperatures and the harsh winds. One would also need to have a good sense of direction and navigation, as the Tundra Plains are often covered by blizzards and whiteouts that obscure the visibility. One would also need to have a lot of courage and skill to fend off the attacks of the monstrosities that lurk in the snow. And most importantly, one would need to have a strong reason or motivation to go there in the first place, as the Tundra Plains offer little reward or incentive for those who brave them.