

The Land of the Sovereignty

In the northern most part of the Sovereignty is the mountain range known as the Nexus Shaila that separates this nation from the Lexdomina Dynasty. In this mountain range is the only city of the Sovereignty that is physically on Saevalux (Prime Materia).

Parvat is the only city of the Sovereignty that is grounded on the world of Saevalux. It lies at the foot of the Nexus Shaila, a majestic mountain range that forms a natural border with the Lexdomina Dynasty. Parvat is a bustling and prosperous city, thanks to its access to the rich mines of residuum that are scattered throughout the mountains.

Residuum is a crystallized form of magic that can be used for various purposes, such as powering airships, crafting enchanted items, or enhancing spells.

Parvat is also a cultural and diplomatic hub, as it serves as the gateway to the floating islands of the Sovereignty and hosts many visitors and traders from other nations.