The "Island"


The Aircity

In the middle of the Primal Islands is a small floating island that has begun to sink slowly. To combat this issue, the citizen have utilized the same technology of airship to help the island stay afloat.

The Island is a city that hangs on a thread, a city that rests on a tiny floating island that is slowly losing its buoyancy. Its buildings are modest and practical, and they are surrounded by gardens and farms that provide food and resources for the inhabitants.

The Island is the home of the Airfolk, a people who have adapted to the harsh and unpredictable conditions of the sky. They have mastered the art of airship engineering, and they have used their skills to attach giant propellers and balloons to their island, hoping to keep it from falling. The Airfolk are resilient, resourceful, and loyal, and they have a strong sense of community and cooperation.

They also welcome other travelers who can reach their city, such as pilots, merchants, and adventurers, who often come to The Island for refuge or trade.

The Island is a city that fights for its survival and dreams of a brighter future.