Dor Kaldohr

The Dwarven Fortress of the Heart

The Fortress of Dor Kaldohr is a masterpiece of dwarven architecture and magic. It is built around the portal to the Plane of Earth. The fortress is a tribute to their heritage, their courage, and their loyalty. The main gate into the fortress is a colossal archway carved with runes and symbols that represent the dwarves’ values and virtues. The gate is guarded by a pair of stone golems, animated by the dwarves. The fortress is a network of halls, chambers, and workshops that showcase the dwarves’ skills and crafts. The fortress is also home to a forge, where the dwarves create weapons and armor imbued with elemental magic. The forge is fueled by a stream of lava that flows from the mountain’s core. The fortress has a strong bond with Oth'takim, the Eternal, and it is believed that so long as the portal is not disturbed that the people within the fortress will be protected by him.

The fortress is a bastion of strength and stability, and a source of pride and inspiration for the dwarves. They are ready to defend their home and their ally against any threat or enemy.