
“Under this cruel light may we still live on.”

“History is a living tapestry of stories and

lessons, woven by those who came

before us. It teaches us about ourselves

and our world. It shows us our origins,

our achievements, and our failures. It

inspires us to learn from the past and

shape the future. Do not ignore history,

for it is the foundation of all knowledge

and wisdom.” - Bimble Sparkwrench

The Pre-Divine

Very little is known about this era because if written record did exist, it has been destroyed or lost. The only major physical evidence of the Pre-Divine are the large golden orreries that brought humans to Saevalux during the Arrival.

The Divine Era

No one knows what took place to allow for the creation of the gods, but with their coming came a new form of magic not known until this point, divine. Before this only arcane based and primal based magic was known to exist.

The Dawning

The Dawning is widely considered the first age of Saevalux. During this time, the first fifteen gods came into being all at once, each and every one of them being incredibly powerful but vulnerable. They found themselves drawn to a source of power known now as the Essence of Creation, and as they began to absorb it, they felt their vulnerabilities disappear. They became immortal beings of untold power.

Soon after their immortalization though, Gula, the God of Greed and Gluttony, began plotting a conspiracy to attack the other gods, weaken them, and eventually force them to give up the Essence of Creation.

The Betrayal

This plot, however, was discovered by the Dawn Mother, and the gods split into two factions, the Dawn Deities and the Gods of Umbra, as a war across the material plane began. The war ended with the defeat of the Umbra Gods, weakening them, especially Gula, and making the world safe for civilization to flourish. During this time, most deities created their own unique divine realm, a place that was perfect for that god and where they could rest and recover without worrying about being attacked by the others.

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The Immortal Age

The Immortal Age was the second age of Saevalux, following the Dawning. It includes the Divine Crisis and ended at the Age of Beasts and Monsters. There are indications that it lasted thousands of years. During this time, mortals tested the limits of arcane power, sought to challenge the gods that oversaw them, and brought about the accidental imprisonment of both the Dawn Deities and the Gods of Umbra and the destruction of most arcane knowledge.

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Arcane Ambition

As civilization flourished and spread under the guidance of the Dawn Deities, mortal mages grew ever more powerful, eventually building entire castles in a day, creating a handful of powered flying cities, including ??? and ???, that traveled across Saevalux, and changing the geography of the world as they saw fit.

The Divine Crisis

The Divine Crisis was the event that ended the Immortal Age. It happened in an instant and resulted in the Age of Beasts and Monsters, in which Andras took control over Saevalux.

It was thought that as mortals' arcane talents advanced, they would soon be able to draw from the Essence of Creation, but no one believed that mortals had reached that point yet. This did not stop attempts being made however. Some rituals were performed, but they were either abandoned out of fear or resulted in death and failure. Cloven Velnias, an archmage, was discovered attempting his own ritual. Many now question the purpose of the ritual because when Cloven Velnias completed it, he did not ascend to divine status. He, along with the Essence of Creation, vanished.

The Collapse

Except for one deity and his subjects, this had terrible repercussions for all of the gods. During the Immortal Age, Andras, the God of Beasts and Monsters, bestowed each of his beasts and monsters infinitesimal amounts of his divine power. As a result, he was the only one for a long time with creations that could utilize divine magic. The disparity in power between mortals and the monsters who assailed them ushered in a new age known as the Age of Beasts and Monsters.

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The Age of Beasts and Monsters

The Age of Beasts and Monsters was the third age of Saevalux. This age encompasses the time that Andras controlled Saevalux, devastating most of civilization and in some cases rearranged the very geography of the world. This age ended with the War of Fang and Sword which occurred shortly after the Arrival.

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The Arrival

Unknown golden orreries, huge structures covered in numerous gold rings, were one of the few Pre-Divine constructions still standing in Saevalux. When these structures activated, massive groups of humans arrived as a result, and though some of these groups seemed separate, they all shared one goal, to conquer.

The War of Fang and Sword

After the Arrival, a war broke out between humans and monsters, and with each victory, other humanoids joined the humans. The other gods saw this as their only chance of reclaiming their power and began bestowing divine powers to the greatest warriors in this war. Eventually Andras' monsters were defeated and though the world is still perilous, for the first time in centuries, civilization has begun anew.

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The Mortal Age

The Mortal Age is the fourth age of Saevalux, and the age that this campaign takes place in. It is currently 806 P.C. or 806 Post-Crisis.

When the War of Fang and Sword finally ended, and humanoids took over once more, a new age came. Five nations formed, three of which came from the human’s distinct cultures.

Monsters still exist all across the material plane leading to one job becoming one of the most dangerous but respected jobs out there, adventurer.

With the humans, came along science and ingenuity. Many races saw their rapid progress and began to make their own. Gnomes have harnessed electricity, goblins have mastered combustion, Novudies residents utilize geothermal power, and even more breakthroughs are made every day.

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The Second Dawning

During the time that Warforged suffered under the persecution of the Lexdomina Dynasty, they began to hope. This hope sparked the creation of Spes and Salvo, god(s) of the Warforged. Unlike other gods, they were much more childlike, but that does not mean they were ignorant to the atrocities the Lexdomina Dynasty were causing their people. Spes and Salvo bestowed their divine gifts to the Warforged, allowing them to rise up and free themselves of their chains and shackles.