

The Eternal City

Shashvata is the capital city of the Sovereignty, a nation of floating islands that orbit around Caelum.

Shashvata is the capital city, and it is where the Sovereign resides and rules over his people. The city is built on a circular platform that rotates around a central spire, which houses the temple of A Bringer of Peace, the patron deity of the Sovereignty.

The city is divided into four quarters, each with its own distinct culture and architecture.

The north quarter is the administrative and military center of the city, where the Sovereign’s palace, the council hall, and the barracks are located.

The east quarter is the spiritual and educational center of the city, where the temple of A Bringer of Peace, the academy of reincarnation, and the library of wisdom are located.

The south quarter is the commercial and industrial center of the city, where the market, the harbor, and the workshops are located.

The west quarter is the residential and recreational center of the city, where the homes, gardens, and parks are located.

The people of Shashvata believe in reincarnation and strive to achieve liberation from the cycle of birth and death by following the teachings of A Bringer of Peace and the Sovereign.

The city is also known for its advanced technology, such as airships, skyhooks, and lightning rods, which harness the power of Caelum. Shashvata is a marvel of engineering, architecture, and spirituality, and it is revered as the eternal city by its inhabitants and visitors alike.