
“We would sooner burn than lose faith in her.” -

The City of Unchallengeable Faith

Novudies, the City of Unchallengeable Faith, stands on Gehenna, at the brink of doom. Its people, the Sol’Aureus, worship the Mother of Dawn, the sun goddess. They built their city on the mountain’s slopes, facing the eruptions as a trial of their faith and valor, and a way to be nearer to their deity. They also use the volcano’s power to craft Dawnglass weapons, rare and mighty relics that shine with dawn’s light. Only the bravest and most worthy receive these weapons, which they wield to protect their city and their creed.

Novudies is a city of strife and splendor, where every citizen displays their creed on their attire. The city splits into factions that embody different facets of the Mother of Dawn, such as wisdom, justice, mercy, glory, and more. Each faction has its own color and symbol, and they vie for power and honor. They think that conflict is a way of life, and that by testing each other they can show their merit and supremacy. They also welcome strangers who want to join their city or question their beliefs, as long as they follow their customs and laws.

Novudies is a city of wonder and reverence, where every day begins with songs and prayers to the dawn. The Sol’Aureus have a strong bond with the light, which they see as a sign of their goddess. They designed their city to mirror this, with glass domes and spires that catch the sun’s rays and create stunning patterns. They also have festivals and rites that celebrate the sun’s cycles, such as the solstices and equinoxes. They believe that by living in sync with the light, they can please their goddess and secure their survival.

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