
The Eternal Condemnation

Divine Realm of Forever Serpent

The Molten Crucible is torn between the
lands of the great Devil Enclaves, with their
castles of brass and cities perched over
rivers of magma, and the Molten Depths, at
the heart of the meteoric crater, where the
Faldrim and their elemental allies protect
the innermost core of the crucible: a heart
of primordial fire, the region’s sacred divine remnant.

Between these two camps lie the Brasslands, a colossal
and ever-shifting volcanic wasteland composed of
obsidian isles floating on seas of magma. The tectonic
plates that form this landscape are unstable, fracturing,
crashing into each other... creating constant
earthquakes. The Brasslands are akin to an enormous
no-man’s land, where elementals and devils fight over
ground they never manage to hold, either because of
stalemates, or because of the unforgiving environment.

As the centuries pass, the great Brasslands change and
mutate under their perilous battles. What are these
creatures fighting for, you ask? Perhaps they too have
forgotten. Or perhaps, a determination beyond mortal
comprehension fuels their fighting spirit...

Today, the fighting between the two civilizations
amount to small but intense skirmishes of great
violence, fought over Ember Brass or a newly unearthed
artifact of the Dominion of Teng. The Devils seem to
enjoy these small battles, eager to prove their might and
to gain prestige in what they consider their Great Hunts.
The Faldrim don’t see it that way. Regardless, they
fiercely defend their territory with hit and run tactics
and brutal ambushes.

What the Devils consider sport, the Faldrim and other
elementals think of as survival and sacred duty. Their
very home is threatened by the Enclaves, that little by
little push back the resilient Faldrim, and inch ever
closer to the Molten Depths.

The Brasslands are that battlefield, both physically and
metaphorically: a stirring cauldron of tension where
greed, honor, ambition and resilience react explosively
against one another. The volcanic fauna of the
Brasslands, unaligned in the grand scheme of things,
still mirrors the values that the great war imprinted on
their home. Expect no more quarter from them than you
would from a devil legion.