
“The Dreamscape is a realm of infinite possibilities, where dreams and nightmares shape the worlds, and where the only limit is your imagination.”

The Slumberer’s Paradise

Divine Realm of Somniellam

The Dreamscape is the divine realm of Somniellam, the Goddess of Dreams and Stars—a realm of infinite possibilities shaped by the dreams of all beings. Constantly shifting, it weaves together desires, fears, hopes, and nightmares into a boundless world where imagination rules, and the fantastical becomes real.

The Dreamscape is a collection of countless realms, each reflecting the dreams of those who enter. Its landscapes change unpredictably, with gravity defied, mountains rising like breaths, and rivers flowing with liquid starlight. At its heart floats the Celestial Palace, Somniellam's dwelling, made of moonstone and nebulae, ever-changing in form from a grand castle to a humble cottage.

Rivers of Reverie, filled with stardust and cosmic light, connect these realms, carrying travelers between them. Bathing in these rivers can bring visions of the future, but lingering too long risks becoming lost in endless dreams.

Dreamweavers, ethereal beings of starry mist, guard the Dreamscape, maintaining balance by mending reality and guiding lost dreamers. They serve Somniellam, ensuring dreams remain boundless yet ordered.

Within the Dreamscape lies the Stargarden, a celestial oasis where each star is a flower representing a dream. Flowers bloom, change colors with the moon, and wither when dreams are fulfilled, only to be reborn anew.

The Enclave of Eternal Slumber, a serene sanctuary, offers peace to souls who passed on in their sleep. Here, time stands still, and dreams last forever, shielded from nightmares and filled with comfort.

At the heart of the Celestial Palace sits the Starcradle, Somniellam's throne, woven from cosmic silk and galaxies. From here, Somniellam, ever-changing in form, oversees all dreams of the universe, shaping them with whispers like cosmic winds, ensuring every dream finds its place among the stars.