Asylum of the Lost

"To those who found themselves always lost in life, I hope you find solace here."

The Sanctuary of Silver Light

Divine Realm of Lord of the Calm Light

The Divine Realm of the Lord of the Calm Light is a sanctuary of eternal moonlight, where peace and solace prevail. Bathed in the soft glow of a full moon that never wanes, the land is covered in tranquil waters reflecting the moon above, creating the illusion of two moons.

The shallow waters lap against white sand beaches, while deeper areas become mirror-like, revealing glimpses of silver fish and glowing plants. Pristine white stone structures, made of moonstone, emerge like islands, serving as homes, temples, and gathering places. Pathways of moonstone seem to float above the water, connecting these structures, always open to the moonlit sky.

The realm’s flora thrives in eternal night: trees with silver leaves, night-blooming flowers, and luminous water lilies. The fauna is equally mystical, with silver-furred creatures and wisps of light roaming the land, while gentle, glowing aquatic creatures swim beneath the surface. Lost souls seeking guidance wander the shores, drawn by the realm's tranquility.

A constant mist creates a dreamlike haze, and a soothing hum, like a distant lullaby, fills the air. The atmosphere is cool, with the scent of jasmine and fresh rain, under a sky scattered with countless stars and auroras.

Inhabitants, both mortal souls and the divine, live in harmony, guided by priests of the Lord of the Calm Light. At the heart lies the Temple of the Moon's Reflection, a grand structure where pilgrims seek guidance by gazing into a mirrored pool of water.

Ethereal beings, the Guardians of the Night, protect and guide those in the realm, ensuring peace is maintained. A secret path, the Moonlit Path, winds through the realm, leading to deeper mysteries and, perhaps, an encounter with the Lord of the Calm Light.