Warlock - Void Caller

The Void is a mysterious and terrifying plane, home to otherworldly beings and the transformed shadows of those who dare to venture there. Void callers are warlocks who have forged a bond with their own transformed shadows, tapping into the power of The Void to bolster their own abilities.

Expanded Spell List

1st-level Void Caller feature

Your control over the void shadow lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Void Caller Expanded Spells

Spell Level







Shadow Companion

1st-level Void Caller feature

At 1st level, you gain the ability to summon a shadow companion to fight by your side. This shadow takes the form of a creature of your choice, such as a wolf, panther, or eagle. The shadow has the same statistics as a creature of its kind, but it has the Shadow subtype, meaning it is immune to force damage and vulnerable to radiant damage.

While your shadow companion is summoned, it stays within 60 feet of you and acts on its own initiative. You can issue it verbal commands as a bonus action on your turn, and it follows your commands to the best of its ability. If your shadow companion is reduced to 0 hit points, it disappears, and you must complete a short or long rest before you can summon it again.

Shadow Bindings

6th-level Void Caller feature

As a bonus action, you can release the bindings on your shadow companion, allowing it to become more powerful. When you release the bindings, your shadow companion gains the following benefits:

  • Its attacks deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage.

  • It gains resistance to all damage.

  • It can attack twice, instead of once, whenever it takes the Attack action on its turn.

However, there is a risk to releasing the bindings. At the end of each of your turns while your shadow companion is unbound, you must make a Charisma saving throw (DC 15) or your shadow companion turns on you, attacking you and your allies until it is defeated or until you re-bind it. You can also choose to re-bind your shadow companion as a bonus action on your turn.

Shadow Pact

10th-level Void Caller feature

At 10th level, you can form a pact with your shadow companion, allowing it to share in your Warlock powers. As an action, you can touch your shadow companion and share one of your spells or invocations with it. Your shadow companion can then use that spell or invocation as an action on its turn, using your spellcasting ability modifier.

When you share a spell or invocation with your shadow companion, you must choose one of the following options:

  • Share a spell: You can share a spell that you have prepared or that is on your spell list, as long as it targets only you or has a range of touch. When your shadow companion uses the spell, it affects both you and your companion, but only consumes a spell slot for you. Your companion cannot use a spell slot to cast the spell.

  • Share an invocation: You can share one of your Warlock invocations with your shadow companion, as long as it does not require a special form or equipment that your companion does not possess. Your companion can use the invocation on its turn.

Once you have used this feature, you must complete a short or long rest before using it again.

Void Form

14th-level Void Caller feature

At 14th level, you gain the ability to enter a void form, becoming partially incorporeal and gaining resistance to all damage. While in void form, you can move through objects and creatures as if they were difficult terrain, and you gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. You can remain in void form for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus, after which you must complete a long rest before using this ability again.

While in void form, you can use your action to release the bindings on your shadow companion without risking it turning on you. Your shadow companion gains the benefits of being unbound, as described in the Shadow Bindings feature.