Moya'Yama Clans

Forged in War

The Moya'Yama Clans are not merely a people, but a crucible forged in the fires of war. Their origins lie within the enigmatic Korrodere Orrery, a place shrouded in mystery. Bursting forth like a tempest, they swept across the Province of Norr, a relentless tide against the monstrous inhabitants. Mountains were scaled, fortresses of unimaginable size toppled, and every inch of ground contested in the brutal War of Fang and Sword.

Beyond the Chokehold

Their relentless push culminated in the liberation of Togekori, a strategic chokehold that had long stymied their advance. With this victory, the clans surged further, carving a path into the heart of what is now known as the Province of Yama.

The Enigma of Haku

A pivotal figure emerged during this tumultuous era: Haku. Though cloaked in the semblance of a human, his ageless visage betrayed a deeper truth. He is the slayer of Quatjimaa, the Fathomless Serpent, a leviathan whose dominion had crippled the region. Even now, Haku stands vigilant, ensuring the continued slumber of Hiems'aeterna, the First Winter, a slumber that holds the world in its precarious balance.

Haku's leadership was forged in the crucible of combat. He ascended to power not through bloodright, but by proving his might in open challenge. To this day, the right to rule rests not on lineage, but on the strength to wield it.

The Clan-folk

Those who call the Moya'Yama Clans home are known as Clan-folk. This diverse tapestry is woven from the threads of humanity, goliaths, dwarves, oni, and countless other races who have found refuge and purpose under the banner of the Moya'Yama.

A Legacy of Defiance

The history of the Moya'Yama Clans is etched in defiance. They rose from the shadow of monstrous tyranny, carving their own destiny amidst a world teetering on the brink. Theirs is a legacy of courage, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the fight for a brighter tomorrow.

Historical Accomplishments: