Empire of Sol'Aureus



In Sol’Aureus, hijabs, scarves, and shawls are worn often. Draping fabric and loose fitting clothing is worn to keep the intense sun off but remain breathable in the heat.

Color has a specific denotation in Sol’Aureus. Each color when worn represents specific ideals the person stands for. There are many ideals that each color represents so a traveler must think carefully of what their ideals are and be ready to share it with those who ask.

White - Life, Purity, Innocence

Green - Harmony, Balance

Blue - Knowledge, Loyalty, Dedication.

Yellow - Optimism, Enthusiasm

Orange - Chaos, Ambition, Determination

Purple - Creativity, Spirituality

Black means nothing so many travelers wear it while travelling through the empire, but it is looked down upon to wear it in Novudies.

Some colors rather than representing an ideal, represent the lengths they would go to for their ideals.

Gold means to openly invite anyone to challenge your ideals.

Red means to be willing to die defending your ideals.

Gold and Red are the colors of the nation