Chained Keeper

“The chained keeper waits

condemnation eternal

he waits forever”


God of Fate and Death

The Chained Keeper is a god who grew tired of his divine responsibilities. He tried to flee, but Ordo caught him and imprisoned him with the intention of releasing him once a time came where Ordo could handle the work of handling fate alone, but then the Divine Crisis came. Ordo found himself also trapped, unable to free the Chained Keeper. Now the Chained Keeper still works, but only to stave off the insanity of his imprisonment.

The Chained Keeper holds one half of the book of fate, Past. It is the Keeper’s divine duty to ensure the inevitability of the end, death. Writing and rewriting the conclusion of all things there in. They have little time to effect the lives of mortals beyond correcting or adjusting their constant need to alter destiny and deny fate.

Followers: The main followers of the Chained Keeper are those who appreciate death both in good and bad ways.


Aspect of Divinity

God of Fate

Divine Plane

Suggested Domains

Death, Grave, Knowledge, Tempest


Intermediate Deity


True Neutral


A collar and chains