
“My work is never done...”


God of Fate and Order

Many see Ordo as evil for imprisoning The Chained Keeper, but those who worship Ordo know that if the Chained Keeper was successful in fleeing then many lives would have been lost due to Ordo’s inability of handling fate alone.

Ordo is one of the gods that most actively seeks the Essence of Creation so that The Chained Keeper may be freed.

Ordo holds one half of the book of fate, Future. It is Ordo’s divine duty to ensure the perfection of fate, writing and rewriting the destinies of all living things there in. They have little time to effect the lives of mortals beyond correcting or adjusting their constant need to alter destiny and deny fate. As seen with the Divine Crisis the book of fate is not all powerful or all knowing, just a force that pushes towards a specified goal.

Followers: The main followers of Ordo are wizards, scholars, researchers, mages, lawmakers, seers, and other profession having to do with the arcane, fate, or order.

Exarch: The Exarch of Ordo is referred to as the Puppet. They are a masked individual who like a puppet follows Ordo's will perfectly.

Aspect of Divinity

God of Fate

Divine Plane

Suggested Domains

Arcane, Knowledge, Order, War


Intermediate Deity


True Neutral


Wings made of paper fully spread out