Mother of Dawn

“By the morning light, I stand with you!”


Goddess of the Sun, Compassion, and Justice.

Once a mortal human, the Mother of Dawn was granted divinity after the previous Goddess of the Sun and Strength had died. She kept the title, the Mother of Dawn, and has made herself known as one who stands for righteousness. She is much more active than other gods, speaking through her exalt each day at dawn.

Among nobility in Sol’Aureus, the phrase, “I pray that the Dawn Mother watches over you always” can been seen as either a compliment or insult depending on the context as you could be wishing them compassion or just as easily be implying that they deserve to be punished in the name of justice.

Followers: The main followers of the Mother of Dawn are fighters, devout followers, and those who seek righteousness.

Exarch: The Exarch of the Mother of Dawn has recently changed due to the previous exarch dying of old age. Little is known of the new exarch except that she is a young girl.

Aspect of Divinity

Goddess of the Sun

Divine Plane

Suggested Domains

Forge, Light, Nature, War


Greater Deity


Lawful Good


Sun made of stained glass