Spes and Salvo

“What’s that over there? Race you!”


God(s) of Freedom, Hope, Innocence, and Warforged

They were created from the warforged’s desire for freedom. They gave their divine powers to all Warforged who wanted change. They travelled with their people to the Moya’Yama clans. Now they are known to travel through the mountains around the warforged’s land. They are also known to be tricksters, stealing food and toys that travelers have. Those who give these things freely usually find themselves with a small trinket or other small item in their bag.

They are gods, however, and those who displease the two small gods tend to live a life of small inconveniences that can drive a person slightly mad, and those who greatly anger the two gods can suddenly find themselves in a great deal of peril.

Followers: The main followers of Spes and Salvo are artificers and Warforged.

Exarch: The Exarch of Spes and Salvo is unknown.

Aspect of Divinity

God(s) of Freedom

Suggested Domains

Forge, Life, Peace, Trickery


Lesser Deity


Chaotic Good


A blooming flower made of metal