Cuprum, The Chosen King

“Quote the players remembers about the NPC or made by the NPC.”

Alternate Name or Title

When the warforged began plotting their rebellion, one stood out as a leader. Barely coming up to 5 feet, this warforged was made to do small tasks like shining shoes and sweeping, but he had a powerful voice. He inspired many, and he is believed to be the one who first lit the spark that became Spes and Salvo.

When the dust had settled and the warforged were free, they needed a ruler. One that would not become corrupted, who would never see the warforged as tools, and who would treat each and every one of them with sincerity. They chose one amongst themselves, the small cleaner. He did not want the authority, but he knew he needed to take it. He is the one warforged who is not who they want to be, but who they needed to be.

When the domain of the warforged was established in Moyakogi, they built their factories and soon the tiny warforged became the largest one in existence. His body is made from magic infused copper that is effectively impenetrable and repairs itself quickly. It is believed that the only ones capable of killing him are his own people, the warforged, since they were the ones who made his body.

Other Names:


Race: Warforged

Gender: Male

Religion: Spes and Salvo
